Sunday, August 14, 2011

Milk, Paratroopers & Selling your home...Leave it to me to tie all that together!

You, as the seller, control the two most important aspects of selling your home, price and listing percentage—let’s call them tools in your tool box. Stating the obvious--price is the most important. If the home is over-priced, no amount of marketing will sell the home. But you say, "Skip, you just don't understand! Our home is just better than most other homes..." You can't imagine the percentage of people who try to tell me that their home is worth more than their neighbors because of this or that--not realizing their thoughts are because they are emotionally attached to the home and aren't based on fact. Harsh, but true..
Example: milk is for sale at ABC Mart for $2.99 a gallon, but across the street XYZ Mart has "premium" or "brand name" milk for sale for $9.99 a gallon...where are you going to buy your milk? You would say at ABC Mart! I ask you why?
Because it costs less for the same thing!
But what if XYZ mart gets huge banners that say "premium MILK $9.99 a gallon", or if they get paratroopers to jump out of ariplanes holding banners saying "premium MILK $9.99 a gallon" where are you going to get your milk?
You would say ABC Mart, because it costs less!
Yep, I agree.
Think of price this way...your sales price is what locks in the buyer on your home vs. your competitor's home.
Now let's go to your other tool in your tool box...Percentage! This tool is what will lock in the Real Estate agents, or push them away. Listen. Will an agent show a home that has a low co-broke? Yes, but put on your Realtor cap...their enthusiasm level may be a bit low. So, if you are going to spend the money, go ahead and get the most bang for your buck. If the homes in your area are listing for 6% and co-broking for 3%, then do the same or maybe just a little better say 7%, with a 3.5% co-broke. Be sure to insist that the agent offer 50%! After all, they are "spending" your money--make it work for YOU for what it is intended--to bring a buyer!
Remember you will always have the strongest response from your listing when it is first placed up for sale, so go on the market strong--price aggressively and offer a strong commission. Your "price reduction" later on will have much less effect after the home shows it has been on the market for a few months. Buyers will wonder what is wrong with the home that it didn't sell. A new listing is much more appealing as fresh goods!  Something to keep in mind!

Happy Selling...

Grace & Peace


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