Saturday, August 20, 2011

Welcome to our smells like a wet dog!


When I enter a home to list it, I try to "take it all in".  "Skip what in the world are you talking about?  Have you gone off the deep end again?"  Well, yes, that happened years ago, but let's try to stay on subject.  Ok, maybe say it this way--look at your home through the "eyes" of the buyer.   As I enter, I use all five senses sight, sound, smell, touch & and my Realtor senses! : )

Starting with the sight.  What do the buyers see?  Maybe do they see lots of clutter, dirty carpet, large furniture that is filling every inch of wall space, photos that don't allow that buyers to take personal possession of the space; or is the space well used, open, warm, and inviting.

Sound.  As the buyers enter, have you set the mood by playing some soft, natural background music?  What this does is allow the buyers to feel like this is a relaxed environment, plus it helps the buyers to remember your home over other ones they may have seen that day. 

Smell is also an important one, but you say, "Skip my house doesn't have a smell!"  Well, just remember you can't smell your own smell.  What I mean is all homes have a smell good, bad or ugly--it has a smell.  So what to do, go the the store get one of the plug-in air freshenerers the kind that has a fan in it.  The smell should be light and inviting--not so strong that it burns my eyes as I walk in. 

The next is a little tougher touch.  I have noticed as the buyers go through the home, if it is clean and neat, they will run their hands along many of the surfaces of the home.  I think this is a "security" they feel "at home here"?  Realtor sense is a culmination of experience, gleaned over several years of working in this business, tweaking the smallest details to get you the highest price in the shortest amount of time. 

If you are thinking of selling your home, give me a call.  Let me take a quick look, and maybe I can give you a few pointers that will help you sell faster, or for a higher price.  You may be saying, "hey, I have had my home on the market for over six months, and it still hasn't sold."  Give me a call, and let me have a look.  It may be just a few small changes we need to make to get your home SOLD!

Grace & Peace...

   Skip Geiser

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