Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ooh...ooh...Pick me...Pick me!

You have driven around for days, and successfully avoided all the real estate agents, and you think you're ready to make the move.  That's right.  You are going to do it.  You even know which subdivision you want to build your dream home in.  So, you you park the car and walk into the sales model, and are greeted by a very nice salesman who seems to have all the answers to your questions, and has said he would be happy to write the contract for you and get the process started.

Everything seems to be going fine, but is it really?  Answer these questions.  Who does the salesman truly work for?  How many homes are you going to buy?  How many homes will he sell for the builder?  If a dispute were to arise between you and the builder, who is going to go to bat for you?  If you were going to be taken to court, would you think it was a good idea to have the same lawyer as the person who took you to court? I should hope not!  For the same reason, you should get someone who is representing you when you build your new home. 

Oh, yeah, Skip I know what you are trying to do here.  You just want me to spend more money paying you! Well, it doesn't work that way--you pay the same whether you have representation or not, your bottom line stays the same!  Am I saying any/all the model sitting agents are out to cheat you?  No, I truly believe most model agents do their best to for their clients.  But, listen, why not get someone who has only YOUR best interest in mind, and doesn't have to worry about what the builder thinks?  If you don't have to pay any more for the service, why not get the protection?  I, as the agent for buyers of a new home, have had to go "stand on the builder's desk" more than once to get the job done for my clients.  I sometimes wonder what people who don't have an agent that represents only them and their best interests do when a problem comes up that they can't resolve themselves.  I came out of the construction industry, and I know there will be problems...there almost always are.  So why not get some help on your side? Just some food for thought. 

Grace & Peace....

Skip Geiser

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