Friday, August 12, 2011

Welcome to the dark side?

Here I go again, I am going to ask you to put your imagination cap on and just hang on for the ride.  You are a seller who has listed his house with ABC real estate brokerage and you chose Mr. Average agent to work with to list your most prized possession...your home.  Now the contract was for six months, and you have come to that dreadful day.  Your contract just EXPIRED.  Ouch! 

Your phone rings.  You answer, and find that Skip is on the phone and would like to talk to you about why you think your home has hit the expired list, and how he can help you get your home from expired to SOLD!  You agree to meet and find yourself setting across the table from Skip that afternoon.  Skip finds a few key mistakes that Mr. Average agent has made and says let's just start at the beginning "what is the first place buyer will see your home?"  You say, "Well on the internet I guess."  Correct!  Looking at the photo Mr. Average took, you notice something troubling it's dark and cloudy.  What a first impression...ouch!  Here is what you see...


Which home would you want to see? 

As Skip continues, he tells you that you only have a split second to catch the eye of the buyers when they are looking at a long list of homes.  A poor front photo could be the difference between a selling contract or six more months of home payments.  If you were looking through a list of homes where you see just a front photo, does it put your home's best foot forward?  You want the buyers to call their agent and set up a showing for your home, not this one...

Sadly, though, for the past six months that is just what has been happening.  You say, "Now, Skip, couldn't there be other factors that caused their home to not get any showings?"  YES!  I would say price or location could have been a factor, but let's face the facts...if the buyers can't get past the front photo, you're going to have a hard time getting to the closing table--and really, wasn't that the goal in the first place? 

Happy Selling.
Let me know what you think!

Grace And Peace....


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