Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I want you to hold an open house!

 In the course of selling your home there are many things I do to strictly market YOUR home, and then there are things I will do to get more potential buyers.  The focus of today's blog is the Open House.  You either love them or hate them--not much in between here.  I really believe there is a lack of information about open houses that could make it a more cut and dry decision.  Like I started out with, I will do all I can to sell your home in the shortest peroid of time for the highest price.  Along the way I am also working to find a buyer or two that may see your home but may want a feature that your home does not offer.

So it seems to be an opportunity that could be a win-win for us both. Well maybe not. The success rate for open houses are pretty low, hovering around the 3% chance your home will be sold because the buyer walked in during an open house.  Let's just say your home is a 3 bed 2 bath and a young couple walks through the door of our open house and they fall in love with your home but to our dissipointment find out that they need a 4 bed 2 bath. At that point, what I will be able to do for them is locate all the 4 bed 2 bath homes in the area and hopefully represent them in purchasing a home.  You have to ask yourself is the 3% chance large enough to open your home up to the public?  I would say probably not.

One other aspect we need to consider is how buyers look for homes in todays market.  Most serious buyers are looking on the internet and have seen your home if it falls into their price range and search criteria.  So I ask if you were really looking for a home would you wander around on a Saturaday looking for open houses or would you find a list of homes from the internet and then call your realtor and have him open them up for you?

Conclusion: I have a low success rate with selling homes from an open house but on the other hand I have a pretty good success rate with connecting people I meet at an open house with their next home.  Please keep in mind real estate is a local business and some areas will see a higher rate of success than others with open houses.  Happy Selling!

Grace and Peace...  

                                                                Fresh Bucket of Chicken?

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